Thursday 14 September 2017

Small Business Trends Magazine Finance Edition Out Now!

The latest edition of Small Business Trends magazine hits the newsstand today. You can download your copy of the Finance edition for September right here.

In this edition, we’re tackling the challenges small businesses currently face with loans and finance. There are so many small business owners who would love to get approved for a loan or some other funding to grow their company, but the struggle persists.

Did you know that 72 pecent of small businesses, on average, are rejected for a bank loan? That’s a daunting figure.

But this latest edition of the magazine is chock full of information on how you can improve your odds.

There’s our cover story on tips for getting approved for a loan. And we also cover the mistakes small businesses commonly make when applying for a loan. Avoid these pitfalls and the chances of getting approved go up.

We’ve also got advice on the things every small business needs in place to get approved for a loan backed by the Small Business Administration. And we also spoke to an expert who advises on things the SBA can do to help small businesses get access to more capital.

Alternate Lending and Financing

If a bank loan doesn’t seem to be doable, there are other options, too. The internet has spawned a raft of new companies in the small business financing business. There are even places that help you get access to funds for specific needs, such as new equipment upgrades.

We spoke with several experts in these areas and have a full breakdown of the options currently available to small businesses when their banks keep saying ‘No’.

The best part is, Small Business Trends magazine is FREE and available for download today.

Desktop Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Small Business Trends Magazine Finance Edition Out Now!" was first published on Small Business Trends

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