Thursday, 24 August 2017

Take the Survey and Share What Challenges You Most in Your Small Business

Take the Small Business Challenges Survey

What are the greatest challenges you face in your small business? It may be a question you’ve been asked before in reference to a specific aspect of your operations — keeping up with technology perhaps or improving productivity.

But now there’s a chance to answer more comprehensively about the greatest struggles you face and potentially reap some benefit in the process.

Take the Small Business Challenges Survey

Small Business Trends is partnering with more than 100 organizations to conduct further research into the attitudes and challenges faced by you, the small business owner.

This survey is being conducted by Pam Slim, Susan Baier of Audience Audit and Chris Lee of PurpleCRM and needs the participation of small business owners just like you.

Take the Survey

Worried about confidentiality? Don’t be. This survey is totally anonymous. And, no, participation won’t put you on any one’s marketing or sales list without your expressed permission.

And don’t worry. Your contact information will never be sold or shared.

Instead, insights gained from your responses and those of other participants will be used to test solutions being developed to resolve some of the greatest frustrations you and fellow small business owners face regularly when building your businesses.

Want more reason to participate now? Well, respondents who take the survey prior to the Sept. 8, 2017 deadline may enter a drawing to win a $250 gift card for Now, how’s that for an incentive?

Oh, and this survey is also quite painless. It should take you only 10 to 15 minutes to complete. We promise!

So, what are you waiting for? Take a few minutes to take the survey and share your greatest small business challenges today!

Take the Survey

Struggle Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Take the Survey and Share What Challenges You Most in Your Small Business" was first published on Small Business Trends

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