Friday, 25 August 2017

14 Benefits to Using the Growing Facebook Marketplace for Your Business

20 Tips for Using and Selling on Facebook Marketplace

Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) Marketplace is a convenient and easy way for businesses to buy and sell items in their local area. Facebook introduced its Marketplace feature in October 2016, with the aim of providing a “convenient destination to discover, buy and sell items with people in your community.”

Marketplace is available in the Facebook app, as well as on desktops and tablets. Individuals and businesses use Facebook Marketplace to sell everything from electrical goods and clothes to vehicles and even property.

Benefits to Buying and Selling on Facebook Marketplace

If you’re a small business wanting to utilize this increasingly popular ecommerce platform, take a look at the following 20 ways to use Facebook Marketplace for your business.

Offers Easy to Use Mobile Version

Facebook Marketplace couldn’t be simpler to use when you’re on the move. On a mobile device, you can enter the marketplace from a new button at the center bottom of the Facebook window.

Provides Simple Posting in Four Simple Steps

Don’t waste time agonizing over posting items on the Marketplace, as you simply have to take a photo of an item and add it to Facebook, enter the product description and price, confirm location and category and post!

Automatically Shows You Products in Your Local Area

Whether it’s a new printer for a home office or essential tools and gadgets, the Marketplace automatically shows offers available within your vicinity, meaning you can purchase essential business items with ease.

Offers Browsing Based on Past Activity

Whether you’re listing products or looking for them on Marketplace, the platform’s browsing feature is optimized to display items based on a user’s browsing history, ultimately helping to save your business time.

Provides Browse to Buy Feature Based on Your Communities

Marketplace’s Browse to Buy feature filters feeds of products which users can purchase from the communities and groups they belong to.

Offers the Opportunity to Interact with Potential Customers

Facebook Marketplace provides a place for buyers and sellers to interact with one another. Consequently, you could build up business relationships with potential customers on the platform.

Builds a Community Based on Trust

Since Facebook refuses to verify the items for sale on Marketplace, the whole process is built primarily on trust. This could work well for your business helping you to build trust and interaction with your customers.

Provides Job Offers Feature for Recruiting

Besides browsing and selling items, take advantage of Marketplace’s job offers feature, which enables users to sell their services to specific groups.

Allows 10 Photos Per Listing

Facebook allows you to upload ten photos per listing. Take advantage and use all ten!

Offers Speedy Posting Process to Accommodate Business

Most businesses are strapped for time. By enabling you to post product pictures and descriptions in real-time inside the app itself, businesses can post products quickly and conveniently.

Helps Build Up Rapport with the Local Community

As Marketplace shows items within a local vicinity, businesses can use the platform to build rapport and make connections with the local community.

Allows Buyers to Message Sellers Directly

Purchasing arrangements can be worked out with ease on Marketplace as the buyers can message sellers directly.

Takes No Cut from Sales

Unlike the likes of eBay and Etsy, Facebook doesn’t take any cut of the profits on Marketplace, meaning there’s more money in your business’s pocket.

Allows You to Reach Out to Billions of Users

With around 1.86 billion monthly users, by using Facebook Marketplace you will give your products exposure to potentially millions of users around the world.

Are you familiar with using Facebook Marketplace? Has the platform proved beneficial for your business? If so, we’d love to hear about your experiences and success stories with Facebook Marketplace.

Image: Facebook

This article, "14 Benefits to Using the Growing Facebook Marketplace for Your Business" was first published on Small Business Trends

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