Sunday 16 July 2017

How-To Videos Among the Most Watched on YouTube

Why Use YouTube for Marketing? Look at these Numbers

Want to drive more traffic to your YouTube channel? Make sure you upload more how-to videos because they are among the most watched on the site.

This insight comes from data presented by San Francisco-based video production company, Visual Z Studios.

Why You Should Post How-To Videos

Research reveals how-to and style videos on YouTube receive, on average, 8,332 views. This makes them the second most popular category after entertainment, which receives 9,816 views on average.

Science and tech videos are the third most popular category with an average 6,638 views per video.

Why Use YouTube for Marketing?

You may have a YouTube channel for your business. But do you have a well-defined YouTube strategy?

If you don’t, it’s time you rethink your approach to the video streaming site.

Data clearly highlights YouTube’s growing popularity among users. By 2019, in fact, YouTube is expected to increase the number of its users by 187.8 million. What’s more, the site is adding 900,000 unique visitors every month.

What You Must Remember When You Create Your YouTube Strategy

YouTube has become an increasingly competitive platform for both big and small businesses. According to statistics, over 700 YouTube videos are shared on Twitter every minute. This often makes it challenging for businesses to attract and retain user attention.

Data finds the ideal length of your video should be between 1 and 2 minutes. Shorter videos have a greater appeal and popularity among users.

It’s also worth noting that 70 percent of YouTube users use mobile devices. Keeping this in mind when you develop your YouTube strategy can prove useful.

For more information, check out the infographic below:

Why Use YouTube for Marketing? Look at these Numbers

Images: Visual Z Studios

This article, "How-To Videos Among the Most Watched on YouTube" was first published on Small Business Trends

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