Monday, 3 July 2017

Get Inspired in Your Business with This Microsoft Twitter Chat #MSBizTips

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Microsoft Inspire

Looking to jumpstart your business? Maybe you could use a good dose of inspiration.

Inspiration is important for business owners in any niche or industry. You always need to be able to think differently and get a little creative in solving problems or trying new things. But that inspiration isn’t always easy to come by.

Sometimes, it can actually help to turn to other entrepreneurs for a good dose of inspiration. Networking and sharing ideas can be a great way to get those creative ideas flowing.

And that’s exactly what some business owners and entrepreneurs did recently as part of a Microsoft-sponsored Twitter chat, “Get Inspired in Your Business.”

Microsoft Inspire Event Discussed

Chat participants also discussed the upcoming Microsoft Inspire event, another great opportunity for entrepreneurs seeking extra inspiration. It takes place July 9-13 in Washington D.C.

Small Business Trends CEO Anita Campbell (@smallbiztrends) and Microsoft partner Gene Marks (@genemarks) led the conversation around getting inspired in your business on Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. EST.

Don’t worry if you missed out on the chat. Some highlights are included below.

First, chat participants discussed what types of things get them inspired in their businesses.

They also discussed the Microsoft partner network and what exactly Microsoft partners can do to help small businesses grow.

They also discussed what types of businesses can most benefit from the help of Microsoft Partners.

From there, chat participants started discussing the Microsoft Inspire event.

And just in case… entrepreneurs discussed what they might say to Microsoft’s CEO if they met in an elevator.

Microsoft photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Get Inspired in Your Business with This Microsoft Twitter Chat #MSBizTips" was first published on Small Business Trends

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