Friday 21 July 2017

Could the Latest in Branding Be Not to Have One?

Ready to Go Brandless?

Before spending time and energy branding your next product or service, it may be time to think again.

Brandless is a startup that works with manufacturers to eliminate the extra costs that are often associated with offering branded products. Instead, the company just provides basic products with simple labels that just state what’s in each product. And all of those items cost just $3.

Basically, Brandless is banking on consumers caring less about brand names than things like quality and value. By taking the branding and marketing costs out of the equation, the company can offer these items for less than consumers can find them from most other sources, without compromising quality.

Ready to Go Brandless?

If the company’s hypothesis about consumer priorities proves to be true, it could have a major impact on small businesses. Consider all of the money businesses spend on branding campaigns and how that money could go toward offering more value to consumers.

Of course, there may still be plenty of shoppers who equate recognizable brand names with quality. So you’ll have to carefully consider your products and target customers before opting for an un-branded approach. But this trend could certainly be something for businesses of all sizes to watch.

Image: Brandless

This article, "Could the Latest in Branding Be Not to Have One?" was first published on Small Business Trends

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