Friday 21 July 2017

Comcast Business Webinar Looks At Giving Your Team What It Needs for Speed

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Comcast Business Webinar Looks At Giving Your Team What It Needs for Speed

What does speed mean in your small business?

Maybe it means getting deliveries out on time. Or maybe the speed at which your team is able to assemble and implement a new marketing initiative — or make a new hire, or meet a client’s demanding deadline.

No matter what speed means to you, certainly the speed with which your team can access the information they need and communicate with customers, clients and each other no matter where they are would need to rank highly

There is an Answer to Boosting Your Business’s Agility

Fortunately, no matter what speed means for your small business, there’s one place to learn more about how to give your team more of it.

And, like everything else about success with a small business, taking advantage of this opportunity requires you to act quickly. (No surprise there!)

Details on the Comcast Webinar

Comcast Business is offering a new webinar July 25, 2017 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. EDT with the aim of teaching small business leaders some vital lessons about how to motivate their teams.

Called “Give Your Team What it Needs for Speed”, the one hour session includes three business leaders with enough combined experience to make the webinar well worth your time.

Meet Comcast’s Small Business Panel

Panelists include Small Business Trends CEO and founder Anita Campbell, who along with SBT operates a range of other online communities, newsletters and small business websites.reaching an estimated 6 million small business owners and leaders per year.

The expert panel also includes Gene Marks, owner of small business technology and consulting firm the Mark Group. Marks is also a popular commentator on Fox News, MSNBC and CNBC.

Last but not least on the panel is Ramon Ray, an entrepreneur, writer and public speaker now serving as Small Business Ambassador for CRM software Infusionsoft. He is also publisher of Smart Hustle Magazine and Technology Evangelist at

Here’s Why You Should Attend

Comcast believes regardless of the size of the team, it can be made faster and more agile.

And means of achieving that increased agility range from better processes and better decision making to better collaboration through technology and tools.

Could a faster team be leveraged as a competitive advantage?

To learn how greater speed and agility can lead to greater productivity and profits in your business, sign up to attend this important event. .


What: Comcast Business Give Your Team What it Needs for Speed webinar

Who: Small Business Trends CEO Anita Campbell (@smallbiztrends), small business commenter and consultant Gene Marks (@genemarks) and technology evangelist Ramon Ray (@RamonRay)

Where: Register here.

When: July 25, 2017 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT

Team Efficiency photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Comcast Business Webinar Looks At Giving Your Team What It Needs for Speed" was first published on Small Business Trends

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