Saturday 22 July 2017

10 Tips for Managing Your Brand and Running Your Small Business

5 Small Business Branding Tips

Image can be a huge factor in the success of your small business. So it’s important to manage how customers see your brand. And you may also need to manage your personal brand as well. Here are some tips from members of the online small business community for managing your small business and entrepreneurial image.

Learn How to Create a Successful Small Business Brand

Success as a small business isn’t just about the numbers. It can also be about your brand and what it portrays to customers. In this CorpNet post, Rieva Lesonsky shares the steps you can take to create a successful small business brand.

Become an Industry Thought Leader

Being a thought leader in your industry can lead to increased trust and a better reputation for your business. But how do you accomplish this feat? Mary Blackiston of SUCCESS Agency discusses further here.

Use These 10 Best Change Management Strategies

Change is often the only constant when it comes to running a business. But it’s important that you really grasp how to manage change so you can make the most of it. Ilana Brudo elaborates in this Connecteam post. And you can see more commentary on the post over on BizSugar.

Develop the Master Skill for Success

Every entrepreneur wants his or her business to be successful. But fewer actually consider what it means to be successful. This Prepare 1 post by Blair Evan Ball examines what it means to be successful and how you can develop the skills needed.

Take Advantage of These Overlooked Online Promotional Tactics

There are plenty of ways you can promote your business online. But some tactics are more popular than others. So you might have overlooked some of the online promotional tactics listed in this SMB CEO post by Ivan Widjaya.

Learn the Difference Between Content Marketing and Paid Advertising

Content marketing and paid advertising both have their place in small business marketing strategies. But they each have their own set of pros and cons too. Learn more in this Wood Street, Inc. post by Jon-Mikel Bailey. You can also see what BizSugar members have to say here.

Ensure People Actually See Your Content With these Promotion Tactics

When you create content for your business, you need to make sure people actually see it if you want it to have any impact. The tips in this Marketing Land post by Blaise Lucey can help you make sure your content gets in front of the most potential customers.

Increase Your Authority and Influence as a Marketer

Sometimes, marketing messages are only as strong as the person sharing them. So you need to have influence and authority if you want your messages to resonate. Brent Csutoras talks about how you can increase your authority as a marketer in this Search Engine Journal post.

Keep SMEs Away from Your Content

SMEs, or subject matter experts, can be invaluable for your business. But they aren’t always the best choices when it comes to creating content, as Rachel Parker of Resonance Content Marketing goes over in this post. BizSugar members also share thoughts on the post here.

Consider If SBA Loans are the Best for Your Business

Though small business startups can sometimes be bootstrapped, they may also need funding to get off the ground. Options include taking out a loan, but how do you get started? In this post, Marc Prosser outlines SBA loans and how businesses should decide which loans are right for them.

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Dollar brand photo via Shutterstock

This article, "10 Tips for Managing Your Brand and Running Your Small Business" was first published on Small Business Trends

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