Tuesday 16 May 2017

Rebecca Minkoff Uses Connection with Customers to Drive Brand

Connections with Customers Drives Brand Effectiveness
Your business may understand the importance of clearly outlining your target customers. But do you really have a personal understanding of what those target customers want?

That’s what makes the case of Rebecca Minkoff so notable. Minkoff is a fashion designer whose brand targets for millennial women. And she also happens to fit into that group herself.

Not only does Minkoff relate to her target customers on a personal level, but she has also focused her marketing efforts on communicating with those customers directly. She’s also known for connected with fans and bloggers instead of relying on celebrities to spread the word about her products. Some of them feel so connected to her brand that they’ve dubbed themselves “Minkettes.” A look at Twitter gives a quick impression of the kind of engagement Minkoff gets from her fans.

Some in the industry have advised Minkoff not to respond to customers on social media or elsewhere online directly. But since she feels she knows her target customers better than the so-called experts, she has taken the risk and it has paid off.

Connections with Customers Drives Brand Effectiveness

For small businesses, the lesson here is about really tapping into what your target audience wants rather than just going with conventional wisdom that might work for other types of businesses. Even if you don’t personally fit into your target audience, as Minkoff does, you can still learn from how she personally connects and learns from those who buy her products and spread the word about her brand.

Image: Rebecca Minkoff Twitter

This article, "Rebecca Minkoff Uses Connection with Customers to Drive Brand" was first published on Small Business Trends

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