Wednesday 17 May 2017

Prefer App Aims to Reinvent the Gig Economy with Client Relationships

Prefer App Aims to Reinvent the Gig Economy with Client Relationships

The gig economy has given so many more options to professionals looking to provide services, and to businesses and individuals looking to hire skilled professionals. But the process hasn’t always been very personal.

Typically, when someone is looking to hire a professional, they might look for reviews online or even use an app to find the closest service provider. But now, there’s an app that’s aiming to make personal recommendations a bigger part of the process.

The Prefer App

The app is called Prefer. It’s one part review site and one part social network. Instead of simply searching for a service provider and seeing a one-dimensional ratings scale, you can use the app to connect with people you know and trust and then see their personal recommendations.

This type of thing could be a big win for those working in the gig economy. If you’re a professional who values building relationships with clients and providing really top-notch service, personal recommendations can be a whole lot more effective than a simple star rating that’s based mostly on the opinions of strangers.

Personal recommendations have always been a big part of how small businesses succeed. But for ages, those referrals have taken place mainly by word of mouth. If an app like Prefer can help businesses and professionals leverage technology to increase the reach of those personal recommendations, it could mean a big boost for the gig economy as a whole.

Currently, the service is only available in New York City. But those interested in using the Prefer app in other cities can sign up to be alerted when it becomes available.

Image: Prefer

This article, "Prefer App Aims to Reinvent the Gig Economy with Client Relationships" was first published on Small Business Trends

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