Friday 5 May 2017

Launch in Just 1 Day with the 24-Hour Business Plan Template

Launch in Just 1 Day with the 24-Hour Business Plan TemplateYes, you read the title correctly. Steven Fies wants to help entrepreneurs who are ready take their startup ideas to the market in 24 hours (or even less) in his new book, 24-Hour Business Plan Template: How to Validate Your Startup Ideas and Plan Your Business Venture. The book details how startup business owners itching to launch their business can quickly validate their ideas for an even faster launch than any person has ever dreamed.

What is the 24-Hour Business Plan Template About?

There is a book for launching your startup in 7 days. If that’s too slow for you, you could try 48 hours. If that’s too slow for you, Steven Fies’ book, 24-Hour Business Plan Template, says it is even faster. An important point to note, however, is that the book focuses on the validation of a potential business idea. It doesn’t spend a lot of energy focusing on developing business ideas.

Why does Steven Fies declare that you only need 24 hours to validate a business idea? He wants prospective entrepreneurs to break up with the idea of a perfect “business plan”. No matter how much you plan or how detailed your idea, according to Fies’ logic, it’s still just a guess. Every business plan will evolve and morph over time, especially in the first few critical months. While many prospective business owners are still drafting their 50+ pages of a business plan, Steven Fies believes they should be earning money.

By jumping into the market now with a business idea that has shown some promise, you are in better position to focus on what really matters, execution. Execution is what distinguishes the success of a plan, not how many PowerPoint slides or Excel spreadsheets you have. By speeding up the launch process. Fies believes entrepreneurs avoid getting emotionally tied to one idea. The more time and resources an entrepreneur invests in an idea, the harder it is for an entrepreneur to remain objective about that idea. Using the strategies in Steven Fies’ book, entrepreneurs shouldn’t have that problem. By launching an idea quickly, they can quickly modify or scrap ideas that won’t lead them to the success they want.

Steven Fies is a serial entrepreneur, author, president at ThinkPlanLaunch (a talent management consulting agency) and owner of S. MICHAEL Creative Branding. Besides his work, he enjoys playing guitar, surfing, breakfast burritos, and taking care of his family, which includes a chihuahua.

What Was Best About the 24-Hour Business Plan Template?

The caveat to Steven Fies’ book is the business idea. If you have a legitimate business idea that you are ready to execute on, this book can lead you through the steps to flesh out the idea into a workable plan that includes an executive summary, company objective, sales, and logistics. This kind of fast-paced planning reinforces Fies’ central point that you don’t require a lot of planning to get started launching your dream. Of special note, Fies focuses in on sales, one area that many “start your business in x days” books do not.

What Could Have Been Done Differently?

The downside to Steven Fies’ book is again, the business idea. There isn’t a lot of help in this book for entrepreneurs who aren’t confident about their business idea. The book also may be a little intimidating to someone who is not familiar with the business world. That being said, Steve Fies’ intended audience (entrepreneurs who have a business idea but are afraid to pursue it), this book will emphasize how to calm their entrepreneurial fears through proactive validation.

Why Read the 24-Hour Business Plan Template?

24 Hour Business Plan Template is best suited for prospective entrepreneurs (in their first or next business) who want to maintain the structure that comes with a business plan but don’t want to wait months to execute that plan. The book walks readers step-by-step through a template that they can print off, fill out, and follow along with the book. That combination of guidance and emphasis on speed may be just the thing for the entrepreneur who needs that final push to move their business idea one step closer to reality.

This article, "Launch in Just 1 Day with the 24-Hour Business Plan Template" was first published on Small Business Trends

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