Wednesday 10 May 2017

87 Percent of Pinners Say Pinterest Content Moved Them to Buy (Infographic)

Pinterest Conversion Rate Statistics

Pinterest’s efforts to become a more advertiser-friendly platform are reaping results.

In a blog post, Pinterest has revealed 87 percent of Pinners bought something because of content on the site. What’s more 55 percent of users have been found to shop on the site.

Amy Vener, Retail Vertical Strategy Lead at Pinterest wrote, “People are more likely to shop on Pinterest than on other platforms. That’s because Pinterest guides people through the shopping journey, from that first moment of inspiration to the final purchase.”

Why Pinterest Should Be On Your Priority List

Data published by Pinterest reveals some key insights into the minds of its users and their shopping patterns. One thing that comes out quite clearly is that Pinners are better customers than other social media users.

Here’s an example. According to data, people start planning purchases on Pinterest three months before they even use other platforms. They are also more likely to recommend purchased products to a friend.

Not surprisingly, marketers using Pinterest are seeing better results. To be exact, 9 out of 10 campaigns running on the platform have seen incremental sales lift, indicating a solid Pinterest conversion rate.

Adopt a Pinterest-Friendly Marketing Strategy

Considering the growing popularity of Pinterest as an advertising tool, it makes sense to pay special attention to it. As a first step, marketers should familiarize themselves with the platform and its nitty-gritties.

It is also important to keep a close eye on the trending topics for the year to reach users in a more effective way.

“Today’s path to purchase is more fragmented than ever before — but marketers can use Pinterest to reach people throughout the entire process,” says Vener.

Pinterest has said it will share recommendations for retail strategies on the site, covering customer acquisition, awareness and retention over the coming months.

Pinterest Conversion Rate Statistics

For more information, check out the infographic below:

Pinterest Conversion Rate Statistics

Images: Pinterest

This article, "87 Percent of Pinners Say Pinterest Content Moved Them to Buy (Infographic)" was first published on Small Business Trends

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