Wednesday 10 May 2017

4 Ways to Improve Customer Service Through Technology

4 Ways to Improve Customer Service Through Technology

In today’s competitive business world, it’s more vital than ever to keep customer service accommodating and fresh, staying up to date on the latest convenience services and the best new products.  Without great customer service, customer acquisition and retention become difficult, nearly impossible.  Through the implementation of technology, you can drastically improve your customer service overnight.

Whether you are an engineer searching for PCB software so you can design and develop the best products for your consumers, or a business owner who is looking for accounting software to streamline you financial tasks, technology is an investment you won’t regret. Take a look at these 4 ways you can connect with customers on a deeper level and rise about the noise.

How to Improve Customer Service Through Technology


Multiple studies have shown the number one reason customers get flustered with service representatives is due to their failure to understand.  The importance of empathy in customer service interactions is paramount – consumers often say that reps are apathetic and blow off their plights.

The truth is, in most cases representatives are only doing their jobs the way the company desires, sticking to the protocols in place.  Thanks to the power of technology, companies can rewrite their policies and allow for a focus on empathy and encourage more human interaction. Various forms of communication – from SMS messaging to digital marketing – allow customer service representatives to provide a caring outlet for the customer.


Daytime hours of customer service barely exist anymore, and businesses that operate in that time frame are likely steadily losing customers.  Businesses now have the capability to be available to the customer anytime.  Customers have grown to expect this availability, and businesses need to recognize that if they want to stand out from the competition.

Companies can be readily available from any location by utilizing forms of communication such as chat boxes, email, and various social networks. Give your customers the option to contact you at any given moment in multiple ways and you will support the freedom they desire.

Better Managed Relationships

There is nothing more frustrating than calling a business to find they have no records of your last contact with them.  Customer relationship management software provides sophisticated data-gathering tools so reps can instantaneously have information about each of their customers.  This encourages a seamless interaction between a business and its customers, boosting customer loyalty.  One of many startup mistakes you should avoid is failing to foster and maintain strong customer relationships.

Self-reliant Customers

People often hesitate to ask for help; teaching your customers self-reliance through technology is a great component of a strong customer service platform.  Now that your customers can access information via multiple avenues, customer service lines should be much shorter. Use your blog posts, podcasts and videos to teach and show your customers how to help themselves. This will not only give your brand more credibility, it will also lighten the load of your customer service representatives so they can focus on those customers who need their assistance.

Technology is sometime overwhelming, but is a beautiful thing when it comes to running your business efficiently. It allows customers to come to you and gives them the ability to interact with you in the way they prefer.  Don’t be afraid to embrace technology with open arms and watch the ways helps you acquire and retain your customer base.

Customer Service Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "4 Ways to Improve Customer Service Through Technology" was first published on Small Business Trends

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