Saturday 6 May 2017

10 Tips to Improve Your Knowledge Base for a Brainier Business

Great entrepreneurs never stop learning. There are plenty of resources and educational tools out there that can help you improve your knowledge base even after you’ve started a business. And members of our small business community have plenty of great knowledge and tips to share as well. Here are some of their top tips.

Create Negative Buyer Personas for Better Customer Acquisition

You’ve probably heard of creating buyer personas to improve your customer acquisition efforts. But you can actually also benefit from creating negative customer personas, according to Jay Feitlinger in this Kissmetrics post.

Learn About Your Business Self Concept

How you think about yourself and your business can have a big impact on your potential for success. In this Prepare 1 blog post by Blair Evan Ball, he explains what a self concept is and how it can impact your business.

Use This Simple PR Formula

Managing PR for your business can get complicated. But there are still some simple concepts that you should always keep in mind. This simple formula from Rick Verbanas of Your Guerrilla Marketer is one such concept that can make a big difference for your business.

Know What You’re Getting into When Starting a Business

There’s been plenty of debate about the decline of the startup era recently. But that doesn’t mean starting a business isn’t a viable opportunity anymore. You just need to understand what you’re getting into, as Rachel Strella discusses here. And BizSugar members also share thoughts on the post here.

Use These Big Business Strategies for Your Small Business

Just because you run a small business doesn’t mean you can’t learn anything from big brands. In fact, there are plenty of big business strategies your small business can really benefit from, like the ones listed in this Noobpreneur post by Tara Miller.

Learn How Google Assesses the Authority of Web Pages

If you want your website to garner more authority from Google and other search engines, you need to first understand how that ranking is determined. This Search Engine Land post by Danny Sullivan includes more information about how Google assesses the authority of web pages.

Inspire Lifetime Loyalty from Key Employees

If you have great employees, you want to find a way to get them to stick around for the long haul. And there are ways you can inspire lifetime loyalty among key employees, as Martin Zwilling points out in this post on the Startup Professionals Musings blog. You can also see input from BizSugar members here.

Be Your Own HR Department With These Tools

Human resources is an important function of any business. But if you don’t have the resources to hire an entire department, you can potentially manage it yourself with the right tools. Marc Prosser elaborates in this CorpNet post.

Get Real Blog Traffic From Facebook

Facebook can be a great way to bring traffic to your website or blog. And plenty of experts have found a lot of success in that area. You can learn some of their secrets to success in this Web Hosting Secret Revealed post by KeriLynn Engel. You can also see discussion surrounding the post over on BizSugar.

Use These Link Building Tips and Tools

Link building can be a complicated and time consuming process. And since so much goes into it, it can certainly help to gather tips and tools from a variety of different sources. Check out many such tips and tools in this Content Marketing Institute post by Mike Murray.

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Brain scan image via Shutterstock

This article, "10 Tips to Improve Your Knowledge Base for a Brainier Business" was first published on Small Business Trends

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