Saturday 13 May 2017

10 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Small Business Tools

There are so many tools you can use to run a successful business. But if you don’t take care to actually use those tools to their full potential, your business could suffer. To learn how to get the most out of your small business toolkit, take a look at these tips from members of our small business community.

Increase Website Conversions with Color Psychology

If you want your website to be effective, you need to consider all elements of the design — and that includes color. In this Sociable blog post, Rebecca Jordan shares some thoughts and an infographic about how color psychology can have an impact on your website conversions.

Check These Technical SEO Errors Right Now

Technical SEO can be a major benefit to your business, but only if you use it properly. If you have made any major errors, like the ones outlined in this Digital Current post by Sam Hurley, you’ll want to correct them right away. You can also see what BizSugar members are saying about the post here.

Use These Pro Google Search Tips for Research, Marketing and Fun

Google is likely a tool that you use in your business constantly. But you might not even be getting the most out of it, unless you’re using the pro tips included in this Process Street post by Benjamin Brandall.

Learn These Landing Page Tips and Tricks

Landing pages can help you ensure that your visitors see targeted messages and make it more likely for you to convert them into customers. For some tips on making your landing page as effective as possible, check out this MyBlogU post by Ann Smarty.

Consider What Makes Sales Email Templates Work

If you’re going to use templates for your sales emails, it’s important that you really consider what factors are going to make your emails really resonate with your potential buyers. Jeff Molander elaborates in this Target Marketing blog post.

Use These Strategies to Promote All Your Blog Posts

For those businesses that use blogging for marketing or other purposes, it’s essential that you find ways to promote each of your posts. Karen Banes of The Savvy Solopreneur shares some strategies for doing just that in this post. And BizSugar members also shared thoughts on the post here.

Learn Where to Acquire Funding for Your Small Business

Access to sufficient funds can make all the difference for small businesses in the early stages of growth. If you’re unsure where to seek funding for your small business, take a look at this post by Itai Elizur for more.

Choose the Martech Tools Your Team Will Love

When considering what tools to use for your business, you also need to think about what those tools will do for your team. For more on how to choose the martech tools your team will love, check out this Marketing Land post by Alison Lohse.

Start a YouTube Live Stream from Your Desktop

Livestreaming is becoming fairly popular among entrepreneurs. And YouTube can be a great tool. In this post, Ileane Smith shares how you can start a YouTube live stream from your desktop. And the BizSugar community shared commentary here.

Build Your Local Content Marketing Machine

If you want to attract local customers with content marketing, you need to create unique content regularly. This can be known as a local content machine, as Bill Hartzer outlines in this post on the Search Engine Journal blog.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:

Toolbox Photo Via Shutterstock

This article, "10 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Small Business Tools" was first published on Small Business Trends

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