Saturday, 27 May 2017

10 Tips for Avoiding Mistakes While Running a Small Business

While mistakes can often teach valuable lessons, they also have the potential to cost your business — and set you back from achieving your goals. So here are some tips from the online small business community that may help you avoid some of the more costly errors. And also there are some tips to help you avoid missing out on great opportunities as well. Read on.

Don’t Ignore Cybersecurity

If you’ve paid any attention to the news in recent months, you’ve probably heard a lot about cybersecurity issues. And small businesses are not immune. But some CEOs ignore cybersecurity, as Rebecca Jordan of the Sociable Blog discusses here. She also explains why you should take it seriously.

Keep This Secret in Mind to Achieve Your Goals

Achieving business goals can be a complicated process. But you need to stay focused on your main processes and objectives if you want to be successful over the long run. In this SUCCESS Agency blog post, Mary Blackiston shares the number one secret you can use to achieve your goals.

Banish These Entrepreneurial Fears

Fear can be a major roadblock to success for small business owners. And there are some common fears that entrepreneurs have to deal with. In this Biz Epic post, Akshay Nanavati outlines some of those fears and how to banish them.

Keep an Eye on Your Small Business Competitors

When running a small business, it’s important to focus on your own goals. But you should still have an idea of what your competitors are up to, as Tony Paull details in this post. BizSugar members also shared thoughts on the post here.

Get a Top of the Line Antivirus for Your Mobile Device

You probably already have an antivirus program for your small business computer. But the same technology is often overlooked when it comes to mobile devices. In this post, Sean Mir explains why small businesses need to consider this technology.

Make Ads Less Adversarial

Not all online ads are necessarily effective. There are some common problems advertisers face when trying to communicate with customers online. But you can combat that with the tips in this Marketing Land post by Brad O’Brien.

Heed Google’s Warning About Guest Posting to Build Links

Guest posting can be a great way to share your expertise and build your network online. But Google warns against doing it strictly to build links. This Search Engine Journal post by Matt Southern includes more information.

Go Beyond Linear Thinking in New Ventures

Today’s businesses require more innovation and creativity than ever. So you may need to reset your thinking if you want to create something new that can really disrupt an industry, as Martin Zwilling discusses in this Startup Professionals Musings post. You can also see commentary from the BizSugar community here.

Make Your Content Marketing Profitable

You already know that content can help you connect with potential customers and spread the word about your business. But if you’re not making your content marketing profitable, you could really be missing out. Neil Patel shares more information in this post.

Make Sure Your Copy Has a Human Voice

When writing copy, it can be easy for marketers to get stuck in the trap of using a copywriter’s voice. But you need to add in a human tone to really get through to your audience, as Gary Hennerberg discusses in this Target Marketing post.

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Small Business Mistakes photo by Shutterstock

This article, "10 Tips for Avoiding Mistakes While Running a Small Business" was first published on Small Business Trends

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