Saturday 4 February 2017

10 Ways to Take Your Small Business Website to the Next Level

For small businesses, having an effective website is no longer optional. But there’s a lot that goes into making your website really work for your small business.

Members of our small business community are keenly aware of what it takes to put together a great website. Check out some of their top tips in the list below.

Increase Engagement With Website Visitors

Consumer attention spans aren’t as long as they used to be. So business owners and marketers need to be able to quickly engage with website visitors in order to convert them into customers. This SUCCESS agency blog post by Mary Blackiston shares tips for increasing engagement with website visitors.

Avoid These Small Biz Website Errors

When customers or potential customers visit your website, they aren’t likely to stick around very long if your site is full of errors. There are some common ones that can really hurt your business online. Here, Natasha Golinsky shares some small business website errors you should avoid on the On Purpose Projects blog.

Use a Blog to Drive Your Business

A blog can be a great addition to your website, if you use it wisely. To learn how to drive business using a blog, take a look at this Startup Professionals Musings post by Martin Zwilling. Then you can see further commentary on the post over on BizSugar.

Generate Stellar Social Media Content

If you want to get more people to actually visit your website, social media can be a great tool. But you need great content in order for your social media strategy to be effective. Stephen Moyers elaborates in this Basic Blog Tips post.

Go Above and Beyond With Your Content

Content Marketing isn’t exactly a new concept for most businesses. And with so many competitors out there using the same strategies to try to get new online customers, it’s so important for your content to stand out. This Marketing Land post by Julie Joyce discusses how to go above and beyond with your content.

Know These Facts About SEO

SEO is an essential component of any successful small business website. But if you’re not sure where to start when it comes to SEO, you might want to take a look at the points in this 3Bug Media post by Gary Shouldis. Then you can see what the BizSugar community says about the post here.

Fix These User Experience Pet Peeves

User experience is a huge part of your website. If users have a bad or confusing experience, they aren’t likely to actually do business with you. But you can fix some of the most common user experience pet peeves using the tips in this Search Engine Journal post by Josh McCoy.

Do SEO for a Tiny Website With No Visitors or Money

If you think that your website is too small for you to have to worry about SEO, think again. SEO is still important. And there are ways you can leverage it even for a small website with no existing visitors or money, according to this post by Neil Patel.

Write a Blog Post That Goes Viral

When you’re working to get website visitors, having a blog post go viral can provide a huge boost. You can’t necessarily guarantee that it will happen. But there are ways you can increase your chances of writing a viral blog post. Check out the tips in this Web Hosting Secrets Revealed post by Lori Soard. And then see what BizSugar members have to say here.

Avoid These Critical Web Design Mistakes

When building a website, it’s important to have a great design. But not all businesses get it right at first. Plenty of businesses have made critical web design mistakes that can ultimately hurt the bottom line. In this Noobpreneur post, Ivan Widjaya lists some of those common mistakes to avoid.

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This article, "10 Ways to Take Your Small Business Website to the Next Level" was first published on Small Business Trends

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