Tuesday, 27 December 2016

How to Research Websites That Allow Guest Blogging

How to Research Guest Blogging Opportunities

Business owners realize that if they want their brand messaging to extend beyond their current network, they need inventive marketing. Increasingly, marketers are turning to guest blogging to accomplish their goals. One guest post can reach thousands of extra customers, especially if professionals carefully strategize their guest-blogging campaigns.

But even when you’ve identified your goals, how do you find the right opportunities? There are so many blogs, it can be difficult to pinpoint the perfect one to suit your needs. The best thing to do is spend serious time researching potential opportunities. Here are a few tips to help get you started.

How to Discover Guest Blogging Opportunities

Start with Your Interests

Often the best guest blogging options fall within what you currently enjoy reading. Pay close attention to the websites you visit to get industry information. Check for a section with information for interested contributors and, if you can’t find that information on the site, conduct a Google search with the site name plus “guest bloggers.” Even if you can’t find that information, you can still write a pitch to the site’s blog manager. You may find that a blog that has never hosted guest bloggers is willing to try the first one with you.

Conduct a Web Search

The first place today’s consumers turn when they need information is a search engine. For this to be effective, though, you’ll need to make sure you enter the right search terms from the start. Great keyword strings can include “guest post opportunities” and “guest bloggers welcome.” You may also find that some variation of “guest post written by” can help identify posts that you wouldn’t normally find on sites that list guest posting opportunities. Add industry-specific keywords to those search strings to narrow options to those that specifically apply to you.

Follow Influencers

Influencers have large social media followings, being recognized as among the top in their field. Use a service that helps identify influencers on specific topic areas related to you and pay close attention to the sites where those influencers regularly contribute. Notice the sites that rank the highest in search results and put those at the top of your list. You can then begin to create a list of sites you should target as you begin your guest blogging efforts.

Gather Insights

With the right browser add-on in place, you can ensure that you maximize your searches. Tools like SimilarWeb show you real-time statistics for a particular site, including ranking information and in-depth engagement. Before you apply for a guest-posting opportunity with a site, you should ensure you have access to this information. This will keep you from committing to a guest post on a site that has a low readership.

Research Your Source

Even after you’ve tracked down the perfect guest-blogging venue, your work hasn’t ended. Before you make the first attempt to contact an editor or business owner, you should conduct thorough research on the person you’re emailing, the blog itself, and the business the blog promotes. You should also fully understand the readership of the blog and be able to convince your contact that you can create content that will speak to that audience. If you’ve done your homework, it will show in the email you send, making a positive impression on the blog administrator.

Ask Your Network

Your best resource for guest-blogging opportunities could be within your own network. Let colleagues know that you’re interested in growing your reach through the use of guest blogging and ask if they know of any opportunities. Solicit suggestions on social media by asking your followers to name their favorite blogs on topics related to your industry. You’ll likely find the blogs your own contacts read are the best platforms for your content. Pay close attention to the content those within your online networks share on social media. Some of those articles and blog posts will be on sites that accept guest contributions.

If you’re searching for the perfect guest-blogging opportunity, it can sometimes feel daunting. There are so many great blogs that accept guest posts, but it’s difficult to identify the best ones to meet your needs. By putting serious time into research and using the right tools, you can narrow down the options and begin to find the perfect venue to help increase brand awareness.

Guest List Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "How to Research Websites That Allow Guest Blogging" was first published on Small Business Trends

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