Saturday, 17 December 2016

50 Revolving Topics for Social Media Post Inspiration

50 Social Media Post Ideas You Can Use Again and Again

Social media provides endless possibilities for small businesses. That means there are seemingly endless types of posts that you can share on different social media platforms. But when you need some extra inspiration, here are 50 different social media post ideas to use when creating content you can share with your followers.

Social Media Post Ideas

Quick Tips

Social media is perfect for quick bursts of information. If you can share quick tips that are likely to be helpful to your target audience, you can provide value without even requiring them to visit a separate website.

Product Photos

50 Social Media Post Ideas You Can Use Again and Again - Product Photos

Aside from promoting your products with links, you can share photos of them to increase visibility and get customers more familiar with your offerings.

Customer Photo Re-posts

When your customers post photos of your products or content that is somehow related to your brand, it can be a good idea to share it on your own pages as well. Just ask your customers’ permission and then tag them in your post to give credit.


Social media can also be a great tool to gather information from your target customers. So you can post polls on platforms like Twitter and Facebook so that your followers can easily choose their favorite options when you ask questions.

Fill-in-the-Blank Posts

You might also choose to get a little more creative with how you interact with your followers. For example, you can post a fill-in-the-blank challenge to encourage your customers to respond.

Behind-the-Scenes Photos

You can also give your social media followers a look at your team and how you run your business by regularly posting photos of things like team events, product production or even your workspace.

Behind-the-Scenes Videos

Or you could create a video or two to show off some of those same factors about your business.


Infographics are visual representations of data that you can use to share facts in a more interesting way on social media.

Interesting Stats

Or, if you want to share some quick stats, you can simply write out social media posts that include that information.

Product Input Requests

You can also ask customers on social media to share their input about your products or services.

Customers Naming Products

50 Social Media Post Ideas You Can Use Again and Again - Customers Naming Products

You could even ask for more specific input from customers. For example, you could have a contest where you let customers suggest names for new products.

Twitter Chats

On Twitter, taking part in or hosting chats with other Twitter users in your industry or target audience can also be a positive way to increase your presence on the platform.

Live Discussions

You can also use platforms like Periscope, Facebook Live or Google Hangouts to video chat with your followers live. You can even set up a weekly or regular live stream or chat.

Breaking News

There might also be some breaking news from time to time that could impact your business or industry. And you can use social media to share that news or your take on it.

Inspirational Images

50 Social Media Post Ideas You Can Use Again and Again - Inspirational Images

When it comes to posting images, not everything has to be specifically related to your products or services. You can also post inspirational images that might be relevant to your target audience.

Case Studies

Case studies are posts that share specific information about how your business helped a particular client or customer. And you can link to those case studies on social media.

Testimonial Requests

You might also ask for your social media followers who have done business with you to submit testimonials or share their experience with you.

Product Recommendations

You can also recommend other types of products to your followers. Maybe there’s something that would go really well with one of your products, or something that’s just likely to be relevant to your followers.

Day-in-the-Life Posts

You can also share posts that show your followers you’re a real person. Consider sharing simple photos from your daily life, including work and personal content.

Flashback Posts

There are some weekly themes on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. Flashback Friday and Throwback Thursday are popular ways to show off some old photos or content just for fun.

Follow Recommendations

You can also provide value to your followers by giving them suggestions for other accounts they can follow on various platforms, whether it’s another business in your industry or something that’s just fun or inspirational.


Memes might not be the most professional seeming social media content. But they can be fun to share on occasion when you find something relevant.

Photo Contests

To get your followers involved, you can host a photo contest on Facebook or Instagram where you allow them to submit their own content to a page or hashtag and then choose winners.

Holiday Themed Posts

50 Social Media Post Ideas You Can Use Again and Again - Holiday Themed Posts

You can also create themed content designed to post on social media on specific holidays. In addition to the big ones, you can also post about lesser known holidays like Chocolate Day, if relevant.

Employee Profiles

To show your followers some of the faces behind your business, you can start a regular series where you highlight your employees on platforms like Facebook, sharing a photo and a few quick facts.

Customer Profiles

In addition, you can use a similar format to highlight some of your best customers or clients.


Quick lists make for great social media posts on platforms like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Industry Resources

You can also share some of your favorite resources that you use in the course of running your business, if you think that might be of interest to your followers.

Caption Contests

50 Social Media Post Ideas You Can Use Again and Again - Caption Contest

If you have any funny or amusing photos to share on social media, you can start your own contest where you encourage your followers to submit funny caption ideas.

Free Resources

You might also come across some interesting resources like free downloads or ebooks, or even create some of those resources yourself. And those make for great things to share on various social media channels.

Book or Movie Recommendations

If you can think of any books or movies that might interest your followers, you can also share those on various platforms.

Flash Sales

If you have some clearance items or other pieces that you want to sell quickly, you can host a quick flash sale on platforms like Instagram to get those products in front of your followers.

Weekly Roundups

You can also round up some of your favorite social media or blog posts from the week and then share those roundups on various channels.

Account Takeovers

To introduce some new content into your social media accounts and introduce your audience to new personalities, you can let others in your industry take over your account for the day.

Guest Posts

You can also swap with people so that you guest post on other accounts for the day to get some of your content in front of a different audience.

Webinar Promotions

If you have any webinars scheduled, or if you plan on attending any that might also interest your audience, social media can be a great place to promote them.

Cause Related Posts

cause50 Social Media Post Ideas You Can Use Again and Again - Cause Related Posts

You can also show off your philanthropic side by promoting various causes or charities on social media.

Company News

For those times when you have company news or updates to share, like new leadership or offerings, you can share those items on social media as well.


You can also use social media to share different awards or accolades your business might receive.

Event Photos

If you host or attend any events that might be of interest to your followers, you can post photos and updates from those events across various platforms.

Teaser Photos

If you have some new products or services in the works, you can post teaser photos or videos on social media to give people a sneak peek at future offerings.


50 Social Media Post Ideas You Can Use Again and Again - Giveaways

You might also choose to host giveaways to highlight new products or promotions. You can host giveaways directly on certain platforms like Instagram, or just link to a page on your website.


Predictions related to your industry or area of interest can also make for great social media content.

Creative Product Uses

If you offer some products that lend themselves to interesting uses, like DIY projects or recipes, you can post some of those ideas on various social channels.

Group Recommendations

You might also post links to some interesting Facebook or LinkedIn groups if you think they might benefit some of your followers.

Links to Blog Comments

If you have a blog that you want to promote on social media, you can link to specific comments to get a conversation going with even more of your followers.

Links to Old Blog Posts

You can also share some older blog content that’s still relevant in order to get even more mileage out of old posts.


To engage with your audience and answer some questions they might have, you can host a Q&A session on platforms like Twitter, Periscope or even Snapchat.

Event Promotions

50 Social Media Post Ideas You Can Use Again and Again - Event Promotions

If you have any upcoming events that you’re hosting or attending, you can invite your followers on Facebook or link to the event page from other platforms as well.

Saying Thank You to Followers

In addition, you can use social media as a way to say thank you to all of your customers and followers for all they do to support your business.

Carousel Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "50 Revolving Topics for Social Media Post Inspiration" was first published on Small Business Trends

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