Sunday 13 March 2016

Outgrow Your Space at Work: Stop the Wheel of Promotion Hungry Employees

Outgrow Your Space at Work book reviewBased on its title, “Outgrow Your Space at Work: How to Thrive at Work and Build a Successful Career,” sounds like yet another book about how to get a bigger office, higher pay, or an important-sounding job title. Rick Whitted, the author of the book, does cover these topics, but not using the advice readers would expect. “Outgrow Your Space” focuses on a radical redefinition of career promotion and workplace success that has implications for workers and the businesses who want to hire them.

What is “Outgrow Your Space at Work” About

“Outgrow Your Space at Work” is directed toward something Rick Whitted bemoans, promotion-chasing. In his view, many workers are falling into the dangerous belief that they must get promoted within record time to validate their personal and work progress.

This constant chasing for fast promotion in record time for its own sake creates its own vicious cycle. Employees who don’t get the promotion they “deserve” jump ship from one company in hopes of finding “greener pastures” (more pay, better title, etc) while employers offer bigger rewards to keep good talent from leaving. This cycle, Whitted says, is symptomatic of a mentality that needs to change.

The key to stopping this promotion-chasing hamster wheel is slowing down. Taking the time to confront and challenge the assumptions can put the whole concept of “career path” in a different light. Instead of focusing on “greener pastures,” both employers and employees can dig deeper into the resources that are already around them. This perspective is what Whitted hopes will cause employees to reconsider the dreaded “two-year itch” for a better career opportunity. Whitted also hopes that employers are encouraged to develop environments where that “two-year itch doesn’t even develop.”

Whitted ( is a former bank executive, entrepreneur and mentor with experience in mentoring and talent development.

What Was Best About “Outgrow Your Space at Work”

The best part of “Outgrow Your Workspace” is the approach Whitted takes toward career and employee development. Instead of following the crowd of “fast-track” career development, Whitted advocates a slow and persistent method. His book also advocates a radically different view of a career path. Whitted argues that every single job, not just ones with a pretty title, contributes to our professional and personal development.

What Could Have Been Done Differently

“Outgrow Your WorkSpace” provides a lot of advice about why an employee should stay put and develop in his or her current role. The book provides very little advice on when employees should leave their employers. This is a key question that employees have to confront when deciding when to remain or leave at a job. More attention should be focused on helping readers navigate the decision-making process on this all-important question.

Why Read “Outgrow Your Space at Work”

The ideal reader of “Outgrow Your Work Space” is the employee caught between career and job loyalty. “Outgrow Your Work Space” offers a different (and needed) voice to the decision-making process on that crucial decision.

“Outgrow Your Space at Work” also offers practical advice for employers. Whitted writes from the perspective of an employer and shares various stories of his team-building experiences. His reflections serve as a mirror for leaders to review their own beliefs and actions.

This article, "Outgrow Your Space at Work: Stop the Wheel of Promotion Hungry Employees" was first published on Small Business Trends

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