Tuesday 15 March 2016

3 Qualities That Make Successful Entrepreneurs

Successful entrepreneurs have fire and passion

If you think you have what it takes to be a top entrepreneur, there are a few ways to know for sure.
There is a long list of attributes of successful entrepreneurs, but my list is fairly short, simple, and focused on the most important qualities. What’s more, everyone has these qualities, just some in higher amounts than others. It is important to evaluate personally if you have what it takes to be a top entrepreneur. Have an honest conversation with yourself. Take note of these three characteristics to discover what it takes to run a great business and why:

1.  Successful Entrepreneurs Have Passion

When you have passion, you’re willing to bust through walls to get your message, tools, products or services out to the world. That means: sticking to it when your family or life partner doesn’t believe in you, or when your friends wonder when you’ll get a “real job.” Passion is really about perseverance and working towards a future that can sometimes be uncertain. Fuel your passion by never give up, ever! And focus on your passion when you don’t know how things will fit together in your business.

2. Top Entrepreneurs Have Vision

You see the needs of your customers before they appear. You really can predict the future in terms of what will come, what can be and what must be. To have this kind of vision takes guts. You must be free to trust yourself to reach your vision. You have to know you are great and that you’re the one to do the job. No matter how many others have tried it, you believe in your talents. You know the world needs your unique skills, products, and point of view. It’s about owning your true brilliance. Vision + Swagger = Dreams turned into Reality.

3. Entrepreneurs Who Are Flexible, Thrive

When you see something isn’t working, you’re 100 percent comfortable with changing direction and challenging conventional wisdom. You find a way to make it work and ignore the way “we’ve always done it.” Think of this trait as the ability to walk, talk and chew gum at the same time. It’s the quality of quick thinking and problem solving. This can be troublesome for people who may consider themselves shy and introverted. But you must push forward even if you are apprehensive. Business owners with the most flexibility and the best ideas tend to win. Ignore speed and focus on allowing the great solution you have to bubble to the surface.

I am sure you do have the traits of a successful business owner. The key is to realize that you do and to let this set of characteristics run free, as this will translate into your business. Once that happens, stand back, look at your progress, and say “Wow. You created that. You solved your customer’s problem. You made something you always wanted to do — happen.”

Allow your passion to drive you past the toughest and most uncertain moments. Use your vision to inspire others to join you in your business and fall back on it to push past self-doubt and the naysayers in your life. Flexibility empowers you to find unique solutions to business problems. You do have what it takes. And I look forward to seeing your amazing results!

Refer to this list often. Consider writing down your passion, vision, and ability to be flexible. Put those qualities on cue cards. Tape them to your bathroom mirror, your front door, and your closet door. Just remind yourself of who you really are. Even if you don’t believe you have these traits now, you will have them in full force eventually. Start believing it now. I believe in you.

Fire Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "3 Qualities That Make Successful Entrepreneurs" was first published on Small Business Trends

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