Thursday 25 February 2016

What are Some Keys to Effective Communication

effective communication key pointsHow much of your communication is “lost in translation?”

Communication in the workplace has always posed a challenge, but 21st century trends may mean even more misunderstandings.

As the US becomes more diverse, so do American workplaces, and that increases the likelihood of cultural and cross-gender misunderstandings. Moreover, many businesses now have workers spread out in different states and countries.

The technology has changed, too. Email and similar digital communication has largely supplanted face-to-face meetings. But we all know that our messages are often misinterpreted, even when we take our time writing them.

In short, regardless of whether you’re communicating in writing or face-to-face, there’s always the risk of misunderstanding or even causing offense.

Tips for Effective Workplace Communication

According to this infographic, which Column Five designed for video-conferencing company Highfive:

“With so many methods of communication today, it’s no wonder our messages are lost in translation… [A]sk yourself: Am I saying what I think I’m saying?”

There are steps we can take that ensure our messages aren’t lost in translation.

With digital workplace communication, keep the following in mind:

  • Capitalization
  • Punctuation
  • Length

With face-to-face workplace communication, consider your nonverbal cues, including:

  • Tone of voice
  • Body Language
  • Eye Contact

Check out this infographic to understand more about why having effective workplace communication matters, and how to best accomplish it.

effective communication key points

Image: ColumnFive

This article, "What are Some Keys to Effective Communication" was first published on Small Business Trends

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