Thursday 25 February 2016

Amazingly Effective Optimization Techniques For Your Blog

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What good is having a great website loaded with oodles of amazing content if nobody can find it?

How many customers are you going to convert if your website is buried somewhere deep in the limitless ocean of the Internet? Obviously, these are important questions because successful entrepreneurial selling depends greatly on how easy it is for people to find you online.

The answers to these questions are obvious, aren’t they? Your website is no good if nobody can find it. You’re not going to convert any visitors into customers if they don’t discover your site.

The Issue At Hand

It’s a problem that many entrepreneurs and solopreneurs face. They know the value of having a strong online presence, but they can’t quite put their finger on the reason their websites aren’t getting any visitors. What would need to happen in order to make it easier for visitors to find you online?

Fortunately, the answer to this question isn’t difficult. The answer isn’t some esoteric online marketing mystery. It’s about knowing how to optimize your site so that people who are using search engines will find you.

Thanks to this infographic that was created by TopHatRank, you can easily figure out how to ensure that your site ranks higher in search engines without incurring a Google Penalty.

optimization techniques for your blog

[Click image for full size version]

Effective Optimization Techniques

The optimization techniques and tips in this infographic will help you become easier to find online. Search engine optimization (SEO) can take a lot of effort, but in the end, you’ll enjoy far more traffic than you have previously.

Because of this, you will have more and more visitors to convert into actual customers. It’s a proven way to build your audience.

Your Content Must Be Relevant And Helpful

Focus on quality. If your website features content that is irrelevant and unhelpful content that is stuffed with spammy keywords, search engines are not going to give it a high ranking. Not only that, anyone who does stumble across your website is going to immediately flee when they realize that there is nothing valuable on your site.

High quality content will increase your search rankings and make your brand more attractive to your visitors. This is what you want. You want visitors who will engage with your brand because you have provided value.

In order to gain influence over your visitors, you have to become as valuable as possible. In their minds, you have to be their ultimate resource. You can only do this by creating awesome content that offers information your readers need.

Keywords Are Your Friend

Contrary to what many believe, keywords are not spammy. Using keywords will not tempt Google to shove your website into the Internet abyss where nobody will find it.

However, keyword stuffing IS spammy and may cause Google to penalize your site.

There’s a gigantic difference between keyword stuffing and using keywords in a way that doesn’t suck the quality out of your posts. The point isn’t to limit the amount of keywords that you use. The point is to make sure that you are using keywords in a way that adds to the quality of the content.

This isn’t as hard as it sounds.

After writing your post, read through it to make sure that it makes sense. If your use of keywords seems “forced” into the post, you should remove them. Your post should read like any other high-quality post. Your use of keywords should be natural, with no awkward sentences.

If you use this optimization technique the right way, your keywords will add to your content. Not take away from it.

Love Your Links

Links are important when it comes to optimization techniques. You need to take a strategic approach to the way you use links on your site if you want your SEO efforts to succeed.

Make sure that the links you include in your articles are relevant and helpful. Be sure that you’re not linking to low-quality content. Not only will this hurt your SEO, it will also cause your readers to lose trust in you.

Remember, your ultimate objective is to provide as much value as possible. Before including a particular link, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the page I’m linking to relevant to what I’m saying in this post?
  • Does the page actually provide value beyond what I’m writing?
  • What will the prospect get if they click on this link?

These questions will help you ensure that you are only including high-quality links on your website. This builds your credibility and adds to your SEO efforts.


Building a strong online presence isn’t easy. It’s a huge challenge for many entrepreneurs and solopreneurs. That’s why search engine optimization is so critical. If you’re not making it easy for visitors to find your website, you’re literally leaving money on the table.

Don’t do this to yourself. Follow the optimization techniques provided here and you will see an increase in your website traffic.

Website Optimization Illustration via Shutterstock

This article, "Amazingly Effective Optimization Techniques For Your Blog" was first published on Small Business Trends

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