Thursday 10 August 2017

Marketing Emails Sent at 4 p.m. have the Highest Open Rate

2017 Email Marketing Benchmarks

Planning to send your next marketing email? Consider sending it at 4 p.m. Turns out it’s the best time to get a response from your target audience.

This interesting insight comes from a new study by email marketing software provider, GetResponse.

Email Marketing Benchmarks

The report found emails sent at 4 p.m. receive the highest open (25.13 percent) and click-through (3.82 percent) rates compared to other times.

Vimeo Has an Edge Over YouTube

Many marketers embed videos in their emails to engage their audience. But which hosting platform should you choose when you want to add a video in your email? Turns out, it’s not YouTube but Vimeo that delivers better results.

According to the report, emails with Vimeo videos have a higher open rate (47.35 percent) and click-through rate (12.50 percent) than emails with YouTube videos (with an open rate of 31.90 percent and a click through rate of 5.56 percent by comparison).

Sharper Subject Lines Yield Desired Results

Compelling subject lines that convey your message in 210 to 219 characters are most likely to be opened by your readers. And to pique your customers’ attention, the subject line must provide a glimpse of what’s inside the email.

Irek Klimczak, Content Marketing Expert at GetResponse explains, “If the content is relevant to your audience, it’s easy to come up with a subject line that results in a high open rate.”

Another tip is to personalize your subject lines and use emojis found to return higher open rates.

Building Relations is Key to Email Marketing Success

It’s interesting to note marketers with smaller lists were found to be better at engaging their audience. What’s more, their messages got higher open and click-through rates.

The message is clear: when growing your list, don’t lose touch with your existing customers. Nurture your relationship and you will get better results.

For the report, GetResponse analyzed almost 2 billion emails sent by its customers from March to May 2017, in 126 countries across 19 industries.

Image: GetResponse

This article, "Marketing Emails Sent at 4 p.m. have the Highest Open Rate" was first published on Small Business Trends

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