Friday 11 August 2017

Build a Following for Your Business with Facebook Watch

Build a Following for Your Business with Facebook Watch

Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) is launching a new video-only platform called Watch. And it could be something for small businesses or influencers to keep an eye on.

A Look at Facebook Watch

The Facebook Watch platform, which will be accessible on mobile, desktop and in Facebook’s TV apps, will focus on shows that have episodes that fit into a theme or storyline. And users can follow their favorites so that they never miss episodes. There will also be features to help users discover new shows that fit with their interests or that their friends are talking about.

To start, Facebook Watch will only be available to a limited number of publishers while Facebook grows the platform. But the company plans to roll it out slowly to more users in the coming weeks.

Video is already a popular format on Facebook. But this new platform takes it to a new level. Since Watch focuses on shows with recurring episodes, it gives users an opportunity to keep audiences continually engaged with new content.

Facebook Show Pages and Ad Breaks

Facebook is also releasing Show Pages, which are basically like the homepage for your show. And over time, Facebook also plans to make it possible for users to monetize their shows through Ad Breaks.

And there are plenty of different ways businesses can create shows to fit into the new platform’s guidelines. Say you’re a business coach. You could create a show where you work with one business in each episode, and show their story from start to finish, sharing tips and examples along the way. Or if you’re a food blogger, you could create a cooking show with episodes featuring unique dishes each week. You could even start a makeover show to showcase your skills as a makeup artist or beauty blogger.

Of course, other platforms like YouTube also offer content creators the ability to create their own shows and organize them into playlists and recurring themes. But with the overwhelming popularity of Facebook, this new feature could certainly present some unique opportunities for businesses and influencers to grow and connect with their audiences.

Image: Facebook

This article, "Build a Following for Your Business with Facebook Watch" was first published on Small Business Trends

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