Thursday 20 April 2017

Managers and Specialists are Toughest Jobs to Fill for Small Business

Hardest to Fill SMB Jobs

Experienced leaders are always leaving the workforce.

That’s true of Baby Boomers now. And new data from shows that small businesses are having a hard time filling the vacancies these retiring Boomers are creating.

Hardest to Fill SMB Jobs

Indeed has created a list of the top 10 hardest jobs for small businesses to fill. And the theme is clear. Jobs that require some experience and the wisdom gained from experience are staying empty at small businesses. That, or they’re being filled by the wrong person.

The most difficult job to fill for small businesses is a Road Manager. Director of Case Management was the second most difficult to fill. Mergers and Acquisitions Managers, Sales Advisors, Crisis Counselors, and Enrollment Specialists also made the top 10 at Indeed.

All these jobs tend to have at least one thing in common. A small business can’t afford to have someone inexperienced in these roles.

“Small businesses can have a difficult time finding employees to fill specialized jobs,” says Paul Wolfe, Indeed senior vice president and head of HR for the job site.

Training is Essential

Check out the current makeup of your team. Are your leaders nearing retirement?

If they left tomorrow, would your small business be in trouble? Who would be in charge?

If the jobs identified here match ones at your company, and you don’t have a leader in waiting, it’s time to act. If your company has a specialized role that took its current holder years to learn, that’s also a job that requires attention.

Companies with several employees can identify a current employee that could begin learning those specialized roles.

Startups with few or no employees will likely need a specialist right away, someone ready to take on numerous roles and lead in them. Startup owners should identify what to expect from such a position when it’s time to make the hire.

“Training new hires in these roles can attract applicants from the younger, more prominent talent pool as baby boomers are retiring and millennials continue to enter the work force,” Wolfe says.

This article, "Managers and Specialists are Toughest Jobs to Fill for Small Business" was first published on Small Business Trends

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