Wednesday 19 April 2017

Instagram Steals a Page from Pinterest — But Not Really

Instagram Collections

A new feature from Instagram takes a page out of Pinterest’s book. And while it could potentially help businesses in a small way, it doesn’t offer the potential marketing punch of Pinterest just yet.

Instagram Collections

The feature is called Collections and it allows users to save and organize posts that come across their feeds. So if you come across a cool photo that you want to go back to later, you can put it into one of your collections, similar to how you would with a pinboard on Pinterest.

But the major difference is that these collections are totally private for now. So essentially, you can really just use the tool to save the items that you personally want to remember. But you can’t use the feature as a marketing tool to share even more content with your audience.

For businesses, the tool could still have some potential applications. For example, you could save posts that customers share of your products so you have a selection to choose from when you go to re-post at a later date. Or you could save images that you find inspirational or helpful in some way. Here’s how some people are already using it:

So while the feature isn’t exactly going to take the place of Pinterest just yet, it could still have an impact on your business if you find a creative way to use it.

Image: Instagram

This article, "Instagram Steals a Page from Pinterest — But Not Really" was first published on Small Business Trends

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