Tuesday 25 April 2017

How to Use Different Types of Content When Marketing Your Small Business (Infographic)

How to Use Different Types of Content When Marketing Your Small Business (Infographic)

Unless you’ve lived under a rock for the past 6 years, you’ve probably heard about using content marketing to promote your small business.

Even as a solopreneur, content marketing works to bolster brand awareness, build your reputation, attract customers, and keep your website fresh.

However, with all the noise online, content marketing has gotten harder. Back in 2013, there were around 92,000 new articles posted on the internet every day.  Today, there are more brands than ever creating content.

How can your small business compete? By being smart about the different types of content you use.

Your Goals Should Drive the Types of Content You Use

Content has the ability to educate, entertain, inspire, and convince.  And, as the infographic from Smart Insight below shows, some types of content are suited for specific purposes.

To increase your chances of achieving your desired results, using the right type of content can make a real difference. For example, if you’re trying to:

  • Attract attention, entertaining types of content like quizzes, contests and viral videos work best.
  • Inform, use content like ebooks, guides, and infographics to educate your customers.
  • Build trust, use inspiring content like celebrity endorsements, reviews, and community forums.
  • Convert,  then content like demos, case studies, and calculators do the trick.

This is not to say that you can’t use entertaining content to convince or inspiring content to entertain, but playing to the strengths of each type of content can impact your results. Therefore, the best use of this infographic is for planning your content campaigns so they’ll be as effective as possible.

Content Marketing Tips

Want to learn more about content marketing? Here are some handy links:

Content Marketing Tools

Looking for useful content marketing tools to make your more efficient? Here are two links that should help:


How to Use Different Types of Content When Marketing Your Small Business (Infographic)

Source: Smart Insights

Creating Content Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "How to Use Different Types of Content When Marketing Your Small Business (Infographic)" was first published on Small Business Trends

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