Saturday, 1 April 2017

Boost Your Productivity With These Time-Saving Community Tips

These Digital Marketing Tactics Are the Biggest Wastes of Time in 2017
If you want your small business to be successful, then you and your team need to be able to get as much done as possible, even with limited time and resources. Members of our small business community have learned what makes teams more productive. And they share some of their top productivity tips in the list below.

Learn About Productivity From Top CEOs

If you want to be productive and build a successful business, it can help to learn from the best. In this case, that means looking at the productivity habits of some top CEOs. Mary Blackiston shares some in this SUCCESS Agency blog post.

Pay Attention to Your Employees’ Sleep Habits

As a business owner or manager, you might not think you should care much about your employees’ sleep habits. But they can actually make a big difference for your business, as Kyra Kuik explains in this Planday post.

Foster a Learning Culture to Help Your Business Grow

There’s always something more to learn when it comes to running a business. So fostering a learning culture for your small business team can really help your business grow over time, as Nikos Andriotis details in this Talent LMS post. You can also see BizSugar members’ thoughts on the post here.

Avoid These Email Marketing Mistakes

Mistakes are part of running a business. But avoiding common mistakes by learning from others can really save you a lot of time. To avoid time waste in your email marketing strategy, take a look at the common mistakes in this Search Engine Journal post by Reshu Rathi.

Pay Attention to Safety Issues at Work

Safety is a pretty basic thing that every business should offer to its team. But safety issues can also impact productivity if they leave team members feeling stressed or distracted. Ethan Theo of elaborates in this post about why your business should pay more attention to safety.

Deliver Stress-Free Presentations

A well-delivered presentation can help you boost your business. But if presentations cause you stress and worry, it can lead to tons of wasted time. Instead, learn how to create stress-free presentations in this Fundbox post by Caron Beesley. Then see what members of the BizSugar community have to say.

Consider Why Some Leaders Fail

There are many factors that go into making successful leaders. And there are just as many factors that can make some people ineffective in leadership roles. This Techlofy post by Ashfaq Ahmad includes some of the common reasons why leaders fail.

Perform Mobile Keyword Research

If you’re not doing keyword research before starting your SEO or online ad campaigns, and if that research isn’t geared toward mobile users, then you could be wasting a ton of time. Here, Neil Patel details how you can perform mobile keyword research and why it’s important.

Don’t Always Take Google’s SEO Advice

When it comes to SEO, Google often shares helpful advice to help website operators optimize their pages. But not every piece of advice is necessarily in your best interest, argues Nate Dame of Marketing Land. So it’s important to understand the nuances to avoid wasting time with unnecessary updates.

Attract a Flock of Angels to Your Venture

Extra funding can really give your business a boost. But in order to get angel funding, you need to understand how you can attract those investors. Martin Zwilling of Startup Professionals Musings goes into more detail here. And the BizSugar community also comments on the post.

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Time saving photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Boost Your Productivity With These Time-Saving Community Tips" was first published on Small Business Trends

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