Saturday 22 April 2017

10 Tips for Making Your Small Business Stand Out on Social Media

5 Big Social Media Marketing Trends and Tips

Chances are, you use some type of social media or content strategy to market your small business. But since so many other businesses use those same platforms, you have to constantly find new ways to make your business stand out. For ideas and tips on using social media and content marketing for your small business, check out these tips from members of our small business community.

Prepare and Execute a Social Media Crisis Management Plan

If you’ve been in business for more than a day, you’ve likely experienced a crisis or two. And when that happens, it’s important to have a plan — including one for dealing with the situation on social media. Rick Verbanas elaborates in this Your Guerrilla Marketer post.

Create Buyer Personas With Social Media Data

Social media can also be a great tool for gathering data about your potential customers and creating buyer personas. In this post on the Digital Information World blog, Ritesh Patil details how you can do this. And BizSugar members shares their thoughts here.

Track the Impact of Your Content Marketing with These Metrics

When it comes to content marketing efforts like blogging and social media, it’s important to have some kind of system for measuring results. To measure how those efforts impact your brand awareness, check out the metrics listed in this Content Marketing Institute post by Sujan Patel.

Learn How to Integrate User-Generated Content on Social Media

Social media is a great tool for interacting with your customers. And that includes sharing some of their content on your own channels. This Social Annex post by Prasad Dhamdhere features some tips and explanations about including user-generated content on social media.

Add These Topics to Your Blog

Blog content can be extremely popular on social media and elsewhere. To add some interesting topics to your blog mix, check out this post by Gary Shouldis of 3Bug Media. Then see what BizSugar members have to say about the post here.

Squeeze More Profits From Your Facebook Ads

Advertising can be another way to get more out of your social media efforts. But if you’re going to spend the money on Facebook ads, you want to make sure you’re getting as much benefit as possible. In this Kissmetrics post, Brad Smith shares some strategies for squeezing more profits from your Facebook ads.

Make Your Marketing Adapt With the Times

Marketing channels and strategies are constantly evolving. So your business needs to keep up if you want to continue getting the best results. Chad Stewart discusses the importance of adapting your marketing efforts with the times in this Biz Epic post.

Use Hootsuite to Manage Twitter Chats

If you’ve ever taken part in a Twitter chat, you know how important it is to have a good tool for managing tweets and responses. Hootsuite can be a great option, as Mike Allton of The Social Media Hat points out in this post. You can also see input on the post from the BizSugar community here.

Use These SEO Essentials for Long-Form Blog Posts

If you’re going to blog for your business, you should probably have some kind of SEO strategy. When it comes to long-form posts in particular, there are a few SEO essentials that can help out with every post. Neil Patel lists some of them in this post.

Create Better Live Broadcasts

Livestreaming on platforms like Facebook, Periscope and Instagram is becoming an increasingly popular strategy for businesses. To learn more about creating better live broadcasts, take a look at this Prepare 1 blog post by Blair Evan Ball.

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Social Media image via Shutterstock

This article, "10 Tips for Making Your Small Business Stand Out on Social Media" was first published on Small Business Trends

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