Saturday 18 March 2017

Wake Up Earlier, Change Up Your About Page and More Community Tips

So much goes into running a successful business. But you don’t necessarily need to make huge changes in order to get more efficient. Sometimes little things like waking up earlier or changing up your website can make a big difference over time.

Here are some tips from members of our small business community for how to improve your operations over the long run.

Wake Up Early to Stop Wasting Time

If you sleep in or repeatedly hit snooze each morning during the week, you could be wasting hours of potential productive time. In this Process Street post, Ben Mulholland details how you can wake up earlier to stop wasting those valuable hours.

Create the Perfect About Page

The about page can be one of the most important elements of any small business website. And there are some essential pieces of information that you need to include if you want visitors to be satisfied. This Conversion Minded post by Sandra Clayton includes some tips for making a great about page. And BizSugar members shared thoughts on the post here.

Reduce the Cost of Office Security

If you’re not taking steps to secure your business’s data and equipment, you could be taking a pretty big risk. But some businesses don’t have adequate security simply because of the cost. Here, Itai Elizur shares tips for how you can reduce the cost of office security on

Measure Your Marketing ROI

Almost every business has to expend some resources for marketing. But if you aren’t measuring your return on investment, then you could be missing the mark. Rick Verbanas explains why in this post on the Your Guerrilla Marketer blog.

Use These Signage Tips to Promote Your Business

So much has been made in recent years about new media marketing techniques. But sometimes, good old fashioned signage can be just as effective. Take a look at some signage tips to promote your business in this post by Christina White.

Answer These Common Questions on Your Website

Your customers are likely to head to your website if they have specific questions or want to learn more about your business. So your website should be prepared with that information, as this Marketing Land post by Stoney deGeyter points out.

Build a Strong Social and Community Team

If you’re going to hire people to run your social media and online community efforts, you’d better be sure you have the right team members in your corner. This Search Engine Journal post by Melissa Fach offers some tips for how businesses can build strong teams for their social and community efforts.

Use These Wellness Tips From Successful Entrepreneurs

Your business can only go as far as you can take it. And if you’re not healthy, then you can’t expect to work to your full potential. The wellness tips from successful entrepreneurs and health experts featured in this crowdSPRING post by Katie Lundin might help. And you can also see input from members of the BizSugar community.

Scale Your Business Now

There’s a pretty good chance that some of your goals for the year involve growing your business in some way. But you have to really consider how to most effectively scale your operations in order to avoid growing pains. This CorpNet post by Mike Thatcher goes into more detail.

Increase Your Business’s Growth With Video Marketing

It’s no longer a secret that video can be a powerful marketing tool for businesses. But you might not have an idea of just how much it can contribute to growth if you haven’t tried it yet. Here, Ivan Widjaya of Noobpreneur explains why you should add video to your marketing mix.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:

Wake-up call photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Wake Up Earlier, Change Up Your About Page and More Community Tips" was first published on Small Business Trends

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