Saturday 11 March 2017

10 Content Marketing and Social Media Tips for Small Businesses

If you’re trying to market a business in 2017, you almost certainly need some kind of content or social media marketing.

There are plenty of effective ways to use content to market small businesses in different industries. And members of our small business community have lots of experience using those different methods. Learn more by reading some of their tips below.

Promote Your Blog Content Intelligently on Facebook

If you’re going to blog for your business, you probably also want to have a Facebook page. The most popular social media platform can help you promote your content and grow your audience, if you use effective tactics like the ones in this Content Marketing Institute post by Karola Karlson.

Have a Unique Social Media Strategy

There are also some lesser-known ways you can promote your business on social media. Rieva Lesonsky outlines some of them in this Fundera Ledger post. And BizSugar members also shared thoughts on the post here.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks with SEO Tactics

Not every marketing tactic you try is going to be a sure thing. In fact, some can be rather risky, but also offer potentially high rewards. The SEO tactics in this post by Neil Patel fall into that category.

Consider the Technical Benefits of Content Marketing

Of course you should create quality content because it’s great for your readers. But there are also technical reasons why quality content can help your website and online business succeed. Dave Davies elaborates in this Search Engine Land post.

Prioritize Customer Segments Quickly

When creating content or other marketing materials, it can help to know exactly which customers you’re talking to. And that’s where customer segmentation comes in. This post by Cate Costa discusses how you can prioritize customer segments quickly. And the BizSugar community also comments on the concept here.

Outsource Talent on a Budget

When you want to outsource any of your business’s operations, whether it’s creating content or some other function, it’s important to keep your budget in mind. This SMB CEO post includes some tips for how you can outsource talent on a budget that works for your small business.

Take Time to Think Through Your Tactics

Social media is an essential part of any content strategy. But with all of the different platforms and methods out there, it can be difficult for small businesses to navigate. Blair Evan Ball offers some tips for navigating the social media maze in this Prepare 1 post.

Remember to Share Who You Are

Creating content isn’t only about showing the value of your offerings to customers. It can also help people get to know you and your business. This post by Rachel Strella of Strella Social Media details why sharing who you are is a worthwhile part of marketing a business. You can also see commentary on the post over on BizSugar.

Learn to Make Testimonials More Persuasive

When you think of content marketing, testimonials might not immediately come to mind. But they can certainly help you boost your reputation and share valuable information with potential customers. This Kissmetrics post by Dustin Walker features some unusual tactics for making testimonials more persuasive.

When Using Keywords, Don’t Forget the Metrics

Keywords can help you make your content more visible to potential customers online. But you need methods for actually measuring the effectiveness of those keywords. For more on this subject, check out this Target Marketing post by Phil Frost.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:

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This article, "10 Content Marketing and Social Media Tips for Small Businesses" was first published on Small Business Trends

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